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Do Eye Exercises Work?

Do Eye Exercises Work? Many people have heard the claims that eye exercises can improve eyesight.  As far back as 5,000 years ago people used eye exercises to correct vision problems, but do these exercises really work? The best way to know is to hear from the people who actually do them.  Then try the eye exercises for yourself to see if you can improve your eyesight.

I saw my ophthalmologist a couple of days ago. You may have heard the sound of hooting and laugher and wondered what it was. It was me.
Because of my body-mind-spirit belief AND doing a couple of eye exercises my IOP dropped from 29 (L & R) to 17 (L) and 21(R). AND my vision, which was 20/40 both eyes is now 20/25 (R) and 20/30 (L). The readings were comparing September (2021) to now (February 2022).
I am ecstatic. And with your work, I’ve begun a better series of exercises that I’m more comfortable with and- the main thing- doing them on a daily basis. I’m determined to restore my vision to 20/20 or 20/15. No drops, no medications, just healthy eating, daily exercise, and a belief system that we can heal ourselves.
Marcia, USA

Sharon I was asked “So you don’t wear glasses now, have you got contacts?”

“No, I just do eye exercises so I can see better now!” Persistence is the key!

I go out walking early in the morning with my one eyed glasses and watch TV with pinholes.

I’m a teacher. At first, without glasses, I could barely see the children on the front row, but now I can see faces clearly on the back row and across the playground. I wear reduced prescription glasses for driving. People keep telling me what lovely blue eyes I have—they never noticed before!

Sharon, New Zealand

I am regularly doing these exercises according to your guidance and my vision is clearer day by day. So I am very much thankful to the team of Envision Self Healing.

Geeta, India



I attended a 5 day Self Healing Retreat in San Francisco. What a wonderful way to start my eye exercise program! The personalized eye exercise program fit my needs and lifestyle. My confidence in dealing with my R.P. (Retinitis Pigmentosa) has greatly improved. Thank you again!

Karen, Oregon


do eye exercises work, testimonial


Rosario testimonialThank you so much! I also stopped using my eyeglasses since May 1st last year. I had been wearing them for about 15 years for farsightedness and I also had problems with depth perception.

The swing and sunning and palming are really very beneficial for me.

I’ve been encouraging my friends and other people I meet who have eyesight problems to look up your website. I’ll share it again on Facebook.

Thank you very much!

Rosario, Philippines


I have been training my eye now for a while. By doing this I can almost see clear outside without any glasses. Thanks for the help so far; didn’t think it was possible.

Jesper, Sweden


MikeHi Will and Richard,

Thanks so much for all the work you put into making this Self Healing site. Three weeks ago I was scheduled for cataract surgery. A week earlier someone told me about Envision Self Healing. The clinic had insisted there was no other way to improve my sight, no homeopathic or other way existed. Yet in less than a week, it was clear there is another way. I have been working on your exercises since and can see definite improvement. I know that the blurriness and double images will go away. I can already see clearly with my glasses at infinity. I could not do that before—doctors said they couldn’t help short of the surgery.

Now I have to turn this all into habit. It is started and I am patient with myself; it will happen. Thanks again. By the way, I canceled the surgery.

Peace and Joy,

Mike Metras, Santa Fe



Listen to this interview with Sue to hear about using reduced prescription glasses in an eye exercise program. After wearing glasses for many years she was first able to throw away her reading glasses. Then, after taking her eye exercises to the next level she also reduced the prescription in her glasses for nearsightedness and astigmatism. Now she is close to the point of not needing glasses at all.


My favourite eye exercise is sunning.

My eyes always feel great afterwards and images are much clearer.

Nelu, Romania


IMG_0077Thanks Will and Richard! Your exercises helped me a lot. Only after doing for a couple of weeks I could read the smallest font on my Browser.

I never thought I could be reading so clearly. All I did was Sunning, Palming, Swinging and Crossing my eyes. Thanks again for the great work and excellent funny videos.

Keep up



The exercises have helped me keep focused on measures to improve my eyesight and prevent my glaucoma from getting worse. Since I chose not to do surgery and eye drops, I had to find an alternative and the physical and eye exercises are what I do instead.  It takes discipline to keep them up, and I slip sometimes, but Will and Richard are always encouraging and positive. An additional benefit of the physical exercises is they keep my joints and whole body supple. I’m 62 years old.  After the shock of the diagnosis of glaucoma, I was afraid and worried, but the act of taking charge of my eye problems through exercise and knowledge has lessened the fear tremendously. I’ve learnt a lot from Envision.

Rachael, San Francisco


Testamonial 4 Tracy


TrevorHi Richard and Will

Since I found you on the web, I have always done the eye exercise because I have RP. It really helps when I do the sunning and also the the cards over the eyes. This helps rest your eyes and also when you take them off your eyes they feel fresh and more clear and relaxed. Along with all the other exercises for RP, I like the podcasts you do. Me and my wife both sit and watch them with a little bit of laughter. Really good to watch. Keep it up!

Before I did these exercises i could not read. I had to take my glasses off and hold the text very close to my eyes.  Now I can see the map of streets, not 100% but better and clearer than before.

I have been doing field tests since I was diagnosed in 2000 with rp and have been doing the field test since. Then in 2007 I lost my license and had a load of missed points in the middle of chart I went for a field test on 20th of July this yr and it was almost clear in the middle back to where i was in 2007 when I lost my license. I have only been doing eye exercises’ for about a year.

Trevor in England


After doing eye exercises for several months so far, I have felt an immense amount of painful strain unloaded from my eyes. Before, I was numb to this pain, but now, I can feel it after doing eye exercises. Not that the exercises have created the strain, but that they make me aware of the poor way I treat my eyes.

Thanks to Envision Self Healing, my eye strain is relieved and prevented, allowing me to feel, see, and think better, and I’m improving my myopic condition!

Thank you Will Fuller and Richard Miller!

Brandon, UT


ElizabthGreetings, Will and Richard.

This year my close-up vision took a nosedive. Even my middle vision began to go, and I needed reading glasses for cooking or cleaning.

Last month, I spent a week on a beautiful lake and had plenty of opportunities to read on the dock and then look out into the distance. I also made sure to rest my eyes with plenty of palming, and the dock was the perfect place for sunning. I practiced convergence, too, (but I didn’t have a chart, so I used my index fingers). By the second day of our vacation, I didn’t need reading glasses at all.

Now I’m back in the land of offices and computer screens, but I still don’t need those glasses! When my eyes start to feel strained, I take a deep breath, blink, and look out into the distance (or at a picture of the distance if real distance isn’t available). I palm for a minute or two, and I’m back in focus.

I will use these exercises for the rest of my life, and based on what I’ve experienced so far, I’m certain that they are going to help preserve my vision and at least slow the process of presbyopia. The very sensible concept that one can train the eye/brain to see better gives me so much hope.

I’m grateful to have found your sight, uh, I mean site!  😉 Really, I am.

Sincerely, Elizabeth, MD


My right eye is much better and my floaters are little bit noticeable but not like before.

I bring back almost sharp vision and Im happy to go out and look far in to the distance.
When Im walking I always looking far away or exercise distance looking at the mountain.
Till the Christmas Im a new person 😆
Phillip, Croatia


Since I’ve been doing the exercises on a regular basis, I can feel when I’m using the computer too much and need to take a break.

Tom, The Netherland


CalebHi! I do the eye exercises every day. It’s most needed, because of the strain our eyes gain from technology. I cannot stress enough how much the eye excercises help. One of my favourites is Sunning. It helps me see better at night. Sunning helps more light entry into the eyes. My favourite by far is distant gazing. Slowly but gradually I can see smaller objects from tracing poles and stuff, and things come into clear quicker. It’s needed. Palming also helps relax the eyes a lot. It makes my eyes feel soooo good. Honestly, all the eye exercises are great and we should spend at least 30 minutes a day in my opinion. I noticed if I don’t do the eye exercises within days, weeks, my eyes get terribly stressed. Keep doing what you’re doing. I just hope one day to see perfect.

—much love

Caleb, Phoenix


Envision Self Healing Testamonial 1 Nena


I recommend everyone to do eye exercises because it’s just like any other part of the body.

Judy, USA


maniThanks Will and Richard

We all 4 members of my family doing eye exercises since more than one years, and found very-helpful to reduce eye stress. Now we can use lower prescription glasses.

Mani, Nepal


I have being patching my strong eye so that my weak eye can be stronger. My vision is more balanced. I have also been using the pinhole glasses. I can tell my vision is getting better.

Felicher, Mobile, Alabama


Greetings fellow Self Healers,

I am a thirty year old male; I was diagnosed with Retinitis Pigmentosa at birth. I began my self-healing journey In the autumn of 2008 after reading a popular inspiring book where the seeds in my mind were watered enough to cause me to change the direction of my life and the way I think and interact with my vision. I found the work and life of Meir Schneider in the winter of 2012 and immediately attended his  six day vision workshop where I met and was fortunate to work one on one with Will Fuller. Since that time I have incorporated many
self-healing modalities into my life. Within a very short period of time I began to discover much about my vision including improvements. I began to see color after years of seeing the world in shades of gray as well as seeing my shadow cast on the ground which I had forgotten to even look for let alone see for years.

Along with these improvements I have become much more aware of the qualities of my vision and how practicing the exercise as well as with greater emphasis caring for my general health has brought about stability in my vision. I have learned that when I listen to my body and my visual system I can take the necessary steps to reduce the tension, reduce the glare, reduce the strain and overall gain measurable control of my vision. After months of practicing I now notice when I have been palming regularly and when I haven’t. The same is true for sunning and
obstructing. What has been a bit of a hurdle for me is truly appreciating the noticeable benefits of regular practice and refraining from expecting dramatic changes in my vision. The reductions alone are huge gains in the improvement of the quality of my vision. There has been probably hundreds of times I have wanted to give up and focus on other areas of my life; however, I am mindful of these thoughts and I carry on being propelled by what I believe what is possible for those of us whom are healing through Retinitis Pigmentosa. I wish you well on your healing journey and may we all realize our deepest potential.

Warmest Regards,
Shaun Williams, Portland Oregon


Hi! The day I came upon Envision Self Healing and the wonderful information they offered was so exciting for me–the information and techniques made so much sense, but I had never thought of it on my own. So, thank you guys! I’m seeing results and passing on the information to others =)

Lily from Montreal


SophieI wore glasses for presbyopia for 15 years of my life, because I believed what the doctors said that the lenses lose their accommodation power after age 40. Then I chanced to read the book “Secret.” I figured out that belief without an iota of doubt can reverse just about anything we don’t want. One thing I definitely didn’t want was searching for my reading glasses to read price tags in shopping malls, read cell phone numbers and cell phone messages. One thing led to another and I chanced upon your website. It was as if I was guided. I read about all the exercises for presbyopia and did them sincerely and regularly for about 2 months or so. I printed the Presbyopia chart and did the convergence and divergence exercises too. (In fact, I printed several copies of it and happily distributed it to my friends and to just about anyone I thought might benefit from it). My blurred vision slowly cleared. It did not happen overnight, but it did happen gradually. I have not worn my reading glasses for several months now and I can read perfectly well in daylight. I am writing this mail (it is night time) without glasses and without eyestrain.

I am so glad I don’t have to keep searching for those  silly reading glasses all over the place like I used to do earlier. My vision has improved considerably and for it I am so, so grateful to you. I believe that when the student is ready, the teacher appears. You have been a Godsend!

There is still scope for my vision to improve. At night, though, I can work comfortably on the computer. I still have difficulty in reading print on paper, especially if it is small and if there is yellow light or inadequate light. But something tells me that this is the result of my own limiting belief. I know that if I remove this negative belief from the system of my soul, I shall be able to see perfectly. I need your blessings and guidance to do this and I am sure, coupled with guidance from above, my negative belief of “this much and no more” will fizzle out.

I cannot thank you, or Rhonda Byrne, or Eckhart Tolle, or Chunyi Lin, or Wayne Dyer, or the internet, or so many many other of my teachers and spiritual guides enough!

I believe in miracles, and they happen all the time! Once again thanks a ton and may God bless both of you!

Cheers, Sophie, India

Ps–Quite a number of people with whom I have shared the presbyopia chart tell me they have benefited a lot from it. I am happily spreading the good work initiated by you.


 Testamonial 2 JD


Hi Will and Richard,

Love your podcasts, thank you for reaching out to the world by sharing your talents and ability to stir up the mud at the bottom of the glass.

Palming is my favorite. Thanks Will for showing me how to palm on my side. Each night when its quiet, it all takes place, setting the mood for a good rest in body, mind and soul.

When Meir first showed me the swing, I got dizzy. My dizziness is much less and coupled with my chanting nam myoho renge kyo, I get results that illuminate my life for enjoyment of using my eyes. Watching more movies which i really missed.

Heeding the  time  of reading was a great tip for me. What is really amazing is my sensitivity overload with sound is an improvement to my quality of life. Yeah!

Thanks Richard for suggesting when I get my new prescriptions, I will not get prisms.

Pearl, LA



I have braces right now to help remedy my TMJ. I find your exercises to be helpful and hopeful in helping me to sort out my head ,neck and jaw situation, as the eyes are so closely related. I have found some relief and feel hopeful.

Thanks! Its a component that I didn’t look at (pale joke) before knowing, but an important ingredient in a complex remedy.

Thank you Will and Richard!

All the best,

Laurie, B.C.


Testimonial 3 Eric


As a massage therapist I trained with Meir about 12 years ago and was fascinated by my first encounter with him when I improved my eyesight after just two days of exercises and information. His approach makes so much common sense – it provides a way to prevent deterioration and in any cases to significant improvements in vision. Not only did my eyesight improve but, having continued doing a range of eye exercises as part of my daily life, and now well into my 60’s I do not need to wear glasses for reading or distance, unlike most of my acquaintance, to their regular amazement.

As part of my practice I now encourage people to do vision work, whatever they may have initially come for, to take rests from using the computer and to palm on a regular basis. Recently a colleague and I ran 2 sets of a 12 week course for people with ME/CFS/fibromyalgia which included many elements of vision work, to remedy the tiredness, provide a good way to relax as well as to support eye health. One of the most popular activities was palming, with people reporting a real feeling of relaxation, better vision afterwards and a feeling of well-being which was heightened by self-massage around the face and eyes and a greater ability to relax the shoulders.

Those clients who have come for specific vision work particularly benefit from the bodywork, and the evidence….. of their own eyes!….. that the exercises work – for those with myopia, those with presbyopia and those with tired eyes from far too much screen reading at work and at leisure.

Given that so many people spend hours at a time looking at screens, failing to look far away and using only their central vision losing much of their peripheral sight, it is important to ‘spread the word’ that this will damage eyes, that there is an alternative to having to wear ever stronger glasses, and importantly to encourage schools and colleges to teach healthy use of computers, ipads and ever more sophisticated mobile phones to all pupils and students

Barbara, Manchester UK


Hello –

I have been using some of the suggestions on your website for eye health—sunning and palming.  A few years ago, I was told by my optometrist that I have cataracts. After inquiring if there was some steps I could take to stop its progression, he said there wasn’t. I’m glad your website contains information about cataracts.

Best regards,

Sue, Chicago


Hi there,

You are indeed a beacon of hope for many. I discovered your website and got confidence to be cured of my astigmatism. I am clinging to it. I feel good. Keep on the good work

Driss from Algeria


Do you have some words of encouragement to share with others?

Email us at: info@envisionselfhealing.com