We’re really excited you’re interested in being part of our brand new lecture:
“ Healthy Eyesight in a Digital World”
As you probably already know from reading “Our Story,” a big part of our mission is to share the knowledge of healthy vision with as many people as possible, so that they too can use the basic tools needed to maintain and improve their eyesight.
Over the last several years we have had a lot of fun delivering different lectures and workshops on maintaining and improving eyesight naturally.
We have covered such topics as:
- Understanding How Eye Exercises Can Improve Eyesight
- Creating a Vision Improvement Program
- The Body’s Role in Maintaining and Improving Eyesight
- The Psychology Behind Vision
- Nutrition and Vision
- Anatomy of Our Eyes and How to Keep Them Healthy
Participants in these lectures have told us that they gained valuable insights into the health and care of their eyes. At the same time, we became aware of a growing technological trend that is negatively affecting the health of our eyes:
Computers and Eyestrain!!
We appreciate the irony of using the the technology of the Internet to help people overcome and avoid the many problems caused by computer use. However, our aim here is not to stop people from using modern day technology. Instead, we want to educate people on how to use their digital tools in a way that does not harm their vision. In many cases this same technology might even be used to help improve it!
As much as we all wish we could avoid excessively using smart phones, computers, e-readers, tablets and watching TV (not to mention our long hours reading books, newspapers and magazines); this wish appears to be very unrealistic.
Our information rich world is where we all live now.
Being here in San Francisco, one of the biggest technological hubs in the world, we can’t see this great, new, digital demand we are now putting on our vision going away anytime soon.
Even Apple, one of the largest technology companies in the word, highlights the damage excessive computer use can put on our eyes:
To avoid muscle, joint, or eye strain during your use of the products offered through the iTunes Service, you should always take frequent breaks, and take a longer rest if you experience any soreness, fatigue, or discomfort.” Apple, Terms and Conditions,
In an article by the American Optometric Association they report that:
“A survey of optometrists indicated that 10 million primary eye care examinations are provided annually in this country primarily because of visual problems at VDTs (Vision Display Terminals) – not a small public health issue” American Optometric Association, Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS)
Symptoms of eyestrain caused by computer use or Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) include:
- Dry, Sore, Itchy Eyes,
- Blurry Vision
- Headaches
- Loss of concentration
- Neck, Shoulder Pain
- Physical Fatigue
- Mental Fatigue
- Watering Eyes
Many of you may think you have never experienced eyestrain from overusing your computer. However, if you have ever experienced one of these symptoms during or after using the computer, there is a good chance you have strained your eyes due to your computer use.
So how can we keep using all this great technology, but avoid the harmful effects of eyestrain?
Unfortunately, there are very few places offering effective advice on how to overcome these problems. There is some useful advice out there. WebMD suggests to:
“Give your eyes a break. Look away from the screen every 20 minutes or so and either gaze out the window or scan the room for about 20 seconds to rest your eyes. Blink often to keep the eyes moist.” WebMD, Computer Use Syndrome,
Whilst we agree with the Doctors that taking regular breaks from the computer can help avoid and overcome eyestrain, we have found with ourselves, with our clients and with our global audience that what you do during those computer breaks can make all the difference.
Time and time again we hear from our clients that performing basic eye exercises during those short breaks from the computer leaves their vision, body and mind feeling so much better and makes their computer use a lot easier.
With that insight in hand and with our knowledge of eye exercises, we have created a jam-packed FREE one-hour long lecture that includes:
- How the eyes naturally function to give us relaxed clear vision
- How modern day lifestyles are creating eyestrain and blurry vision
- 5 simple exercises that can help you avoid and overcome eyestrain and maintain healthy vision
As health educators we have learned that it’s not enough to simply tell someone how to do these eye exercises. We also need to teach people why the exercises are good for them and how they will actually help. It’s no surprise that . . .
When we understand why we should do something, we do it!
We hope to share this essential knowledge with you and your group. We would like to help you avoid eyestrain and help you maintain healthy vision.
How do I book this FREE lecture?
In person lecture
As we are located in San Francisco, our “In Person” FREE lectures are currently restricted to the San Francisco Bay Area.
If you are in the Bay Area and would like further information or would like to discuss booking times and venues please contact us at:
If you are outside the Bay Area, but still want to experience one of our lectures or workshops please contact us at:
Online Lecture
Having a global audience, we don’t expect everyone to fly to San Francisco in order to gain access to this knowledge.
This is why we offer selective bookings for online lectures.
If you want to find out if your group or company qualifies for a free online lecture please email us at:
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