Tag Archives: peripheral vision
The importance of Removing Stress and Anxiety with Retinitis Pigmentosa and Peripheral Vision Loss

Physical Tension and Stress and its Effect on Retinitis Pigmentosa and Peripheral Vision Loss. Whether we accept it or not, there are some practices that we are doing that can…
Read moreThe Importance of Removing Physical Tension with Retinitis Pigmentosa and Peripheral Vision Loss

Even if you feel that your vision can’t be improved, that the medical profession is telling you that Retinitis Pigmentosa is irreversible, you just must suck it up and wait…
Read moreESH #70 | How to Improve Night Vision

It’s not just people with eye conditions like retinitis pigmentosa who want to know how to improve night vision. Many people find that as they age their night…
ESH #58 | Peripheral Vision Loss

Whether you have experienced a sudden loss of peripheral vision or you have had peripheral vision loss over a long space of time, it can be a great advantage…
Eye Exercises for a Busy Life: Part Four

Who has time for eye exercises? Aren’t our lives too busy already? On the other hand don’t we all want better, healthier vision? In this fourth blog of a…
Read moreThe Art of NOT Seeing Part 1 – Underusing Peripheral Vision

The Art of Seeing by Aldous Huxley is a great book for building better visual habits and for gaining a background into the subject of vision improvement. Throughout a…
Read moreRainy Day Eye Exercises Part 2: Palming Eye Exercise

Don’t let those rainy days keep you from doing your eye exercises. Keep your vision improvement program on track! In this second of three blog post series, I will…
Read moreRetinitis Pigmentosa Eye Exercise to Improve Eyesight

This week’s blog was inspired by an email from one of our audience members who has Retinitis Pigmentosa and is working hard to improve his eyesight. However, he was…
Read moreFree Festive Eye Exercise Tool to Improve Eyesight

It’s that time of year when all the festive decorations get hidden away in the attic or cupboard for another year. However, this year there is one decoration…
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